A brighter future for children of refugee and host communities in Balochistan – UNICEF

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In a province where girls are frequently denied permission to study, poor academic performance leads to low incentives for parents to send their daughters to school and results in a high dropout rate.

The remedial learning programme addresses these gaps with the help of a tailored curriculum, especially designed storybooks and flashcards, as well as innovative digital tools to reinforce the learning from regular classes.  Significant improvements in the learning skills of the students, based on periodic assessments, demonstrate the effectiveness of the programme.

Currently, more than 300 remedial learning camps have been established across 5 districts of Balochistan and have an enrollment of more than 12,000 boys and girls belonging to refugee and host communities. More than half of the students are girls.

As part of this programme, the school hosting the learning camp also benefits from significant  improvements. The washrooms are upgraded to ensure they are fully functional, and there is a constant supply of safe drinking water. These enhancements are a welcome change not only for the students of the remedial camp but also for those enrolled in the school’s regular education programme.

The remedial learning camps programme is part of a broader collaboration between UNICEF and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, focusing on migration and displacement issues.

Under this partnership, UNICEF is enhancing awareness about the risks of open defecation among Afghan refugee and host communities across Balochistan. They are also being supported to create a healthy environment through investment in sanitation and hygiene.

Due to these efforts, 200 targeted refugee villages and host communities in 06 districts of Baluchistan, have been declared open defecation free and have access to latrines that are culturally appropriate, secure, sanitary, user-friendly, and gender appropriate.

This has enabled the population to realize their right to better health through improved sanitation and hygiene; and focus on reducing and preventing the incidence disease.

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