Women Afghan athletes differ on whether Olympic ban will help their cause – CBC Sports

There have been times in the history of sports where loud calls for boycotting certain countries have rung throughout the land. South Africa and Russia are some of the most prominent examples of country’s whose apartheid policies or state-sponsored doping programs stood in contravention of the Olympic charter. Most recently, there have been calls to ban Israel

Assessing the Socio-Economic Impact of Microfinance Programs in Rural Afghan Communities – Pajhwok Afghan News

By: Mahboob Shah Mahboob Research Scholar Faculty of Management, Vivakananda Global University, Jaipur ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Abstract Microfinance is a game-changer for women’s economic and social empowerment and has changed how the poor are seen in a lot of countries. Many nations’ central banks have recently opened their doors to low-income families and communities, allowing them access to

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