Afghanistan launches second round of nationwide polio vaccination campaign – [İLKHA] Ilke News Agency – İlke Haber Ajansı (İLKHA)

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The Ministry of Public Health in Afghanistan has launched the second national polio vaccination campaign of the year.

The initiative, which will run for 3 to 6 months across the country, aims to vaccinate over 11.2 million children under the age of five against the poliovirus.

Mawlawi Noor Jalal Jalali, Acting Minister of Public Health, reaffirmed the Ministry’s commitment to eradicating polio alongside international partners. He emphasized that vaccination campaigns and health services will persist until polio is completely eliminated from Afghanistan.

Jalali called upon religious leaders, community elders, parents, and other influential figures to support vaccinators. Their collaboration is essential in ensuring the health and well-being of children by preventing the spread of polio.

Polio is a crippling and potentially fatal disease with no cure. Vaccination remains the only effective method of prevention. Afghanistan is currently battling the spread of the poliovirus, and the Ministry of Public Health is actively working to combat it. (ILKHA)

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