Jen Psaki Threatened With Subpoena In Afghanistan Pullout Probe – Times Now

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Jen Psaki Might Be Getting A Subpoena

Her book, ‘Say More’ has come under a lot of scrutiny.

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Jen Psaki, former White House Press Secretary and current MSNBC host, faces a potential subpoena from the House Foreign Affairs Committee regarding her role in communicating the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The caution follows Psaki’s discussion of the scandal in her most recent book, “Say More,” in which she made a contentious assertion regarding President Joe Biden.

The chairman of the committee, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), wrote a letter to Psaki’s lawyer on Wednesday pleading with her to agree to an interview over the disorganized withdrawal, the NY Post wrote. McCaul noted that Psaki’s insights into the decision-making process and the events that followed are crucial, and she played a crucial role in communicating the plans and execution of the withdrawal to the public.

“Ms. Psaki was charged with communicating the withdrawal to the American people and possesses key insights into the planning and decision-making regarding the Afghanistan withdrawal, the rapid Taliban takeover, and the evacuation of American citizens and Afghan allies,” McCaul wrote to Emily Loeb, Psaki’s attorney. He further charged Psaki with spreading false stories about the pullout, which his research allegedly refuted.

Even though Psaki departed the administration in May 2022, McCaul first asked for an interview with her in September of the previous year. The Biden White House Counsel denied the request, the publication reported. A thorough report on the pullout, including details like hurried execution, inadequate preparation, and an ISIS-K suicide attack at Kabul’s international airport that claimed the lives of hundreds of Afghans and 13 US service members, is set to be released by the committee this summer.

The letter from McCaul underscores the committee’s determination to hear from Psaki, stating, “The Committee will not tolerate Ms. Psaki’s continued obstruction of its critical investigation and is prepared to use all the tools at its disposal to ensure America’s representatives speak with her.”

According to the Post’s report, earlier this month, Psaki found herself at the center of controversy when she had to correct a statement in her book claiming that President Biden did not check his watch during the dignified transfer ceremony for the slain US service members at Dover Air Force Base. This incident drew further scrutiny from McCaul, who criticized Psaki for profiting from the Afghanistan tragedy while refusing to cooperate with the congressional investigation.

“It is troubling,” McCaul wrote, “that Ms. Psaki seeks to profit off the Afghanistan tragedy, and has felt comfortable writing accounts and making them available to the general public, but refuses to make herself available to Congress, the branch dedicated to representing the interest and will of the American people.”

Referencing the Biden administration’s prior support for Congressional interviews of former Trump officials, McCaul called attention to what he sees as a double standard, NY Post stated. He questioned Psaki’s unwillingness to abide by such demands for transparency, particularly in light of the seriousness of the departure from Afghanistan.

“Given that the Biden White House publicly supported Congressional interviews of former Trump officials,” McCaul continued, “I fail to understand why Ms. Psaki insists on a double standard, now rejecting similar calls for accountability, unless it is her contention that the deaths of Americans and allies are not extraordinary circumstances.”

McCaul has asked that everything be finalized by May 28 and has suggested three potential dates for Psaki to appear for an interview: June 12, June 26, or July 9. The committee’s efforts to have Psaki testify are a reflection of the public and political scrutiny that has been applied to the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, a matter that has generated a great deal of controversy and discussion.

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