Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction in Afghanistan Program: Audit of Costs Incurred by the … – ReliefWeb

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SIGAR 24-26-FA


Crowe identified one significant deficiency and one additional deficiency in

– internal controls, and two instances of noncompliance with the terms of the award.

Specifically, Crowe found that … charged USAIDfor costs prohibited by the grant related to 12 shipping containers detained at the border. Additionally, Crowe identified labor charges for three employees whOse positions were not included in the detailed budget. was notified of the deficiencies and compliance issues prior to publication of this report.

Because of the deficiencies in internal controls and the instances of noncompliance, Crowe identified $39,147 in total questioned costs, consisting of $38,328 in ineligible costs-costs prohibited by the grant and applicable laws and regulations, and $819 in unsupported costs-costs not supported with adequate documentation or that did not have required prior approval.

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